The Women of the Moose was originally organized in 1913 to bring Women of all ages together in a close fraternal relationship. We assist in the charitable activities of the Moose Fraternity through the principles of faith, hope and charity. As members, we care for and protect our young and old within a defending circle like that of the majestic moose in the wilderness.
Our co-workers dedicate many volunteer hours to assist those in need within our order as they are like our extended family. Through our service to others and to our chapter we have the opportunity to advance within our organization.
Let us call to mind the words of our forefather, James J. Davis, whose belief and pledge serves as the basis for the purposes of our fraternity. A child is the hand of God, recording on the universal pages of time, the history of the human race. No man ever stands so tall, or so straight, as when he stoops to lift up a child.
We believe in the child, who is the future of our nation, and the human race. We believe that every child has a God-given heritage of life, health, happiness, and the opportunity to fill its chosen place in the world.
Let us be ever mindful that the thoughts contained in the pledge also apply to our commitment of service to our residents at Moosehaven.
WOTM Chapter #509 2015-16 Elected Officers
Senior Regent Linda Riggs Junior Regent Janice Irvin Junior Graduate Regent Janet Enderle Secretary/Treasurer Monica Plum Recorder Sharon Simon Guide Susan Funk Higher Degrees Betty-Jo Monroe Activities/Sports Raynel Greiner Community Service Dawn Brenneman Membership/Retention Catherine Organ Mooseheart/Moosehaven Kelli Warnstaff Application Review Commmittee Chris Stalkfleet Audit Jennifer Gustafson